The artist.
Mikaella Socratous (A.K.A. Squirming Mantis) is a
multi-dimensional artist born and raised in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Her work circles around energy, existence, sociopolitical, psychological factors and narrational opportunity. It ranges from 2D prints, paintings and sketches, to 3D sculptures and installations, stretching all the way out to video work and performances; as well as art + energetic therapy. The artist's main focus is the stimulation of creative expression and the introspective methods of time and space apprehension.
After graduating with a diploma in Interior Design (BA Honors) from the Glasgow School of Art, the long-aim is to conduct grand scale transcendental and experiential spaces to allow for consciousness to dive within itself and potentially push masses to attain a sense of belonging in this world of ours.
That, and to invite people to imagine through her art.
She believes that absolutely anything could portray a significant beauty in the eyes of the beholder.